Scripture Reading - Matthew 7:16-20 ESV (English Standard Version)

16 You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
17 So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit.
18 A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit.
19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
20 Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.

In one of our previous lessons we touched on the general subject of “Fellowship”. We spoke about how it is important to have “good fellowship” with people but we also emphasized how our “fellowship” with God is the most important discussion of the day. In another message we touched on “Fellowship with Men” where we discussed communing with those people of like passions, principles and purpose. We also looked a little deeper into “Fellowship with God” because our “Fellowship with God” determines just who we are. Knowing just who you are is very important because many people are deceived into thinking they are whoever they want to be. Or some people are tormented by the thought of others thinking they are an inferior person. Both the positions are not correctly true because people know you by your fruit, you are exactly what you produce. Yes, if you are a poet that over indulges in drinking to many people you will be labeled a lush (drunkard). Yes, if you collect garbage all day you will be known as the trash man. Yes, even those who hold the high occupation of teaching are known as teachers whether their heart is in it or not. This also works the same in the spiritual realm because all those who display the fruits of righteousness are known for being righteous. God knows you by your heart but your fellowman only knows you by what he/she hears and sees coming out of you. Our dear faith friend, God is not mocked, “Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap”.-Refer to Galatians 6:7 Therefore in God’s eyes you are want you produce no doubt about it. Yes, the true children of God act like God, as opposed to the children of devil who produce wickedness. In the scripture today we read “You will recognize people by their fruit” so that must mean that all fruit is visible to those who are spiritually discerning. Although we are discussing spiritual fruit using natural examples we must know that spiritual fruit can be seen by all spiritual people. Remember, the Word of God states, “Oh taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man that trust in Him”.-Refer to Psalm 34:8 This means that the good fruit of God shall be visible and that same good fruit can likewise be tasted by all those who enjoy that type of fruit. On the practical side we (ihlcc) will explain by saying when you are joyful, people like to be happy so they enjoy your presence, which is enjoying a part of God. The way people enjoy this rich fruit of joy is through “fellowship”. You must fellowship with God to grow God’s fruit, so others must “fellowship” with God also to properly grow God in their heart. However, if you chose to “fellowship” with something else we will know that by the fruit you produce in our presence (time of fellowship). Likewise, when we operate in meekness of wisdom people appreciate our humble heart and they think more about the softness of God in our life and their life. Yes, when you choose to spend time in God’s presence having fellowship with Him by praising, worshipping, studying and praying to God you are partaking of the fruit of His Holy Spirit. People will notice that you have been with Jesus because you will speak (His Word) and smell (display His Holy Fruit, whom is the Holy Spirit) like Jesus. When you speak and smell like the Lord Christ Jesus all the righteous will partake of your fruit by tasting of Jesus through you. Just like when Moses came down from the mountain after being (fellowshipping) with God the Glory of God was so much upon his face that the Light of God shone round about him. This glory could not be handled in the Old Testament but it can be digested in small portions in the New Testament (our New Covenant). Thus the term “fruits of fellowship” is used. There are times when a baby cannot handle a large portion of meat, but fruit (apple sauce) will suit him just fine. The beautiful thing about fruit is that it can be easily digested because God created His fruit to be shared (eaten). Yes, in the positive all good “fruit” comes from God but on the contrary all bad fruit comes from the evil one and the works of the flesh. Every person must decide daily what type of person they want to be, either Godly bearing good fruit, carnal bearing human fruit or evil creating the devil’s fruit. We (ihlcc) will know you by your fruits! Yes, God knows you by your fruits. We pray you recognize all men (women and children included) will know you by your fruits. So show forth the praises of God in the fruit of Love to compel those around you to experience more of God our Father and His precious Son, Jesus Christ. Thus, your “fruits of fellowship” will broadcast to all (both God and man) just who you are and what you are all about. Amen.